20 Easy Ways to Boost Your Productivity

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Written By Muhammad Abdullah

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It can be hard to improve Boost Your Productivity. These easy tips can help you be more productive without a herculean effort.

  • Establish a clutter-free, cosy, attractive, and distraction-free workstation.
  • Short pauses, moving around, changing settings, playing music, meditating, and eating lunch with your coworkers can all be beneficial.
  • In order to successfully priorities and assign your work, make daily objectives and to-do lists.
  • Anyone trying to increase workplace productivity should read this essay.

Every business guru claims to have “productivity tips” that can enable you to do more work in a shorter amount of time. Naturally, you may use certain basic strategies to increase productivity, such as taking short breaks, making useful to-do lists, and avoiding social media.

We’ve identified some of the best methods you may use to increase your productivity, but it’s crucial to avoid thinking of this advice as hacks. There is no trick to increasing productivity; the only thing we can do is try to adopt new habits that will help us work more effectively. You’re moving in the right direction toward increasing your productivity by incorporating some of these practices.

Consider using any of these productivity techniques if you want to increase your output.

Also Read: Tips on Choosing the Right Location for Your Business

1. Streamline your space.

At the beginning of each day, spend a few minutes organizing and decluttering your workstation before getting started. According to Kristoph Matthews, head of engineering at NewtonX and creator of the on-demand storage business Boxbee, a clutter-free atmosphere helps you think more clearly and create better outcomes. You may substantially improve your productivity and decrease the amount of time you spend looking for things by organizing and cleaning up your workspace.

2. Add pops of color or live plants.

According to Jenny Gauld, interior designer for office furniture and accessories company Turnstone, colour may have a significant impact on your attitude and productivity throughout the day. While red may be ideal for jobs demanding accuracy and attention to detail, blue may help you relax and focus. Plants can also aid in concentration: According to an American Society for Horticultural Science research, employees who were among plants at work felt less stressed and were more productive.

3. Decorate your workspace.

Along with adding some colour and plants to your workstation, personalizing your desk or cubicle with a few trinkets can increase your productivity by making you feel more at ease. Gauld advised including motivational and significant career artefacts, such as certificates, honours, and other attractive pieces, to your workspace.

4. Get your most dreaded task out of the way.

Everyone has at least one item on their list that they keep putting off because they don’t want to complete it. Actually, Matthews says, that’s the one you should finish first. Get it off your plate as soon as you can rather than waiting until the last minute. You’ll stop worrying about that one task the entire day and your other activities will appear less challenging in contrast, which will increase your total productivity.

5. Prioritize and delegate your other tasks.

Think about everything you do and how crucial or unimportant everything is. Your attention should be on the jobs that are most essential to you first. According to Kathleen Kobel, productivity business coach and creator of Smart Business Mom, if you can, put aside the low-priority tasks and devise a strategy to delegate or outsource them so you can spend more time on the things that offer more value to your position and the business.

6. Turn off your email notifications.

Try disabling your notifications and checking your messages only at certain times rather than reading every email as it arrives in your inbox. Why? Your attention may be disrupted by constant email notifications on your desktop or mobile device. According to Alex Moore, CEO of email productivity tool Boomerang, it takes 64 seconds for someone to recover after being interrupted by an email message.

7. Determine when you are most effective at work.

When people are most productive varies from person to person. Are you a morning person or a night owl, for instance? Determine the times of day when you are most awake and focused so that you may allocate those times to your most crucial responsibilities. If you have control over your schedule and work remotely, this is very helpful.

If you are unable to plan your day around your most productive work hours, think about setting your priorities in your present schedule according to the times of day you feel the most attentive. Your productivity peaks typically last 90 to 120 minutes.

8. Take short breaks.

Taking brief breaks from work that are unrelated, whether it be a stroll, a trip to your favourite coffee shop, reading a magazine, or a chat with a coworker, can significantly improve your performance. Longer periods without a break cause your productivity to decrease. It is advised that individuals labour no more than eight to ten hours each day, according to Kobel. She claimed that at a certain point, your body and mind simply run out of energy.

9. Move around.

Exercise has health benefits beyond only physical health; it may also enhance productivity at work. Sam McIntire, creator of Deskbright, an online learning platform devoted to assisting businesses and workers, noted that studies have proven that physical activity has an impact on mental health and attention. a fantastic method to feel more alert and productive? McIntire advised trying an early run or starting your day with a workout. Getting some exercise while your breaks is also beneficial.

10. Listen to music.

Not all people who use headphones are solitary. According to Gauld, playing your favourite music while working can help you focus and finish your to-do list. Although music might aid in the onset of flow states, it can also function as a deterrent.

11. Switch locations.

Fortunately, remote and hybrid working options are now frequently available to employees. Take some time during the week to work somewhere new, if your job permits it. According to Meghan Khaitan, the creator of the seat belt accessory MyBuckleMate, a change of scenery may greatly increase productivity. Go to the library, a nearby park (if it’s nice out), or some other peaceful, well-lit location. According to Khaitan, this may inspire original thought or enlighten an old issue. How to Work Productively in a Noisy Office is a related article.

12. Write down your daily goals.

Writing down your daily objectives in the morning can help you stay organized as remembering all you need to accomplish is not always simple. You may use the list to keep you on track when your concentration is off or you find yourself delaying, according to McIntire. When you need a reminder of what you should be working on, he advised writing your list down on a post-it or another item that is visible from your desk. Then you may refer to it.

13. Stop trying to multitask.

While multitasking may seem like the most efficient approach to complete all of your activities, it really hinders productivity more than it helps. Simply put, multitasking is ineffective, and doing so results in time loss, according to Kobel.

14. Follow the two-minute rule.

The two-minute rule was developed by David Allen, who wrote the best-selling book Getting Things Done. Do something right away if you observe a task or action that can be finished in two minutes or less. The idea behind this is that doing a work immediately away saves time compared to complete it later.

Schedule it and add it to your productivity system if it will require more time so you can work on it when you’re ready.

15. Make a simple to-do list.

Staying productive requires creating a to-do list. Different approaches are effective for various people: Some individuals utilize smartphone applications, while others choose journaling by hand. Whatever method you use to construct and manage your to-do list, make sure it is brief, practical, and adaptable. Don’t overload oneself with a big list; doing so might exacerbate feelings of exhaustion and worry. Instead, just include the things that can be completed that day.

According to productivity expert and author of The Poetic Path to Getting More Done Mark Ellwood, “A to-do list is fantastic because it deals with past, present, and future.” Think about your high-priority chores; this doesn’t imply you should do them first; rather, it means you should plan for them first and then set out time for them. Do you want to make sure that your remote workers are productive? Check out our evaluations of the top employee monitoring programmes.

Identifying priorities that have an impact on long-term outcomes is what Ellwood advises doing if you’re searching for a straightforward method to organize your to-do lists. Divide those priorities into tasks that need to be finished right away. Include any additional demands for the day, such completing timesheets. Other jobs shouldn’t take up your time, therefore eliminate or assign them.

Ellwood advises prioritizing what you want to do a month from now and then breaking those goals down into manageable actions that can be completed in a single day. For instance, you may start the hiring process now if you need to add a new employee to your team by the end of the month. Finding a new job is a large objective, but by breaking it down into easy daily activities like examining a few resumes or holding an interview, you can feel like you’re making progress. According to Ellwood, the sense of accomplishment can contribute in preventing such times of impossibility.

16. Take back control of your schedule.

The key to remaining effective, level-headed, and composed is to feel in control. You are reclaiming time in your schedule for the things you’ve determined to be important by assigning chores to others or establishing time limits for interruptions.

Gaining productivity and memory retention requires avoiding burnout and weariness. You may do this by simply controlling the course of your day rather than accepting that it will dictate how you behave.

17. Get off social media.

All of us use social media in our everyday lives. However, it would help if you were disciplined to avoid spending a significant portion of your day wondering what your pals had for supper the night before or what they thought of the newest movie. Due to the productivity cost of using social media while at work, several businesses forbid it. If you are permitted to use social media at work, take a short break from it; otherwise, it might easily take over your day and interfere with the job you need to get done.

18. Eat healthy.

It matters what you put in your body. If you overindulge in junk food, you can experience the 4 p.m. slump. Make good food and nourishing snacks a priority to avoid feeling lethargic. Since no one functions effectively on an empty stomach, afternoon snacks present a chance to give oneself a healthy energy boost.

19. Eat lunch with your co-workers.

Even though you might prefer to forgo lunch in favour of eating a salad at your desk while you work, research indicates that team meals increase productivity and morale among employees. Eating lunch with your coworkers may strengthen your team’s camaraderie, help you form social connections, and expand your network. Additionally, it makes you take a much-needed break from work to unwind.

20. Practice presence and meditation.

You might not be able to do what you need to in a fair period of time if you multitask, use social media, or engage in other distractions. To do your present activity more quickly, be concentrated and involved. Daily meditation is one technique to make this simpler. This provides you the time and room to concentrate on just one thing—breathing—and you can use that energy for the rest of the day.

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