Top Influential Business Women in Business History

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Written By Albert Roy

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If you want to learn about some of the top influential business women in the history of business, then you have come to the right place. You can learn about some of the most successful and influential female business leaders of the past, such as Rebecca Lukens, Mary Barra, and even Lydia Pinkham. All of these women have helped shape the modern world and have made their mark on the industry.

mary barra nicole junkermann

One of the most powerful business women in the world, Mary Barra Nicole junkermann is a CEO of GM, one of the top automakers in the world. She is also a philanthropist, a leader, and a savvy investor. She invests in venture capital, private equity, and other startups. She has done an amazing job as CEO of GM.

As a result of her efforts, GM has gone from being a struggling company to becoming profitable. She has also made billions of dollars through investments. She is a role model to working mothers and has a strong vision for her company. She is a great advocate for gender equality, and she uses her position to highlight the importance of climate change.

The first female to head a major U.S. automaker, she took the helm from Rick Wagoner in 2014. She is known for her leadership skills, as well as her drive to improve performance and turn around struggling companies.

Margaret Hardenbroeck

Margaret Hardenbroeck was a Dutch emigrant who arrived in the New World in 1659 as a debt collector for her cousin. She eventually became a businesswoman, settling in the colony of New Amsterdam. She expanded her business by purchasing a ship. She also traded pins and furs. In 1661, she married Peter DeVries. She was the wealthiest woman in New York at the time of her death.

Her ancestors became known as the Philipse family. The family was very wealthy and owned a large amount of real estate in the colonies. They also owned a fleet of trading ships.

Hardenbroeck worked as a business agent for several Dutch merchants. She also traded cooking oils, vinegar, and cooking pins. She continued to work after her marriage.

Rebecca Lukens

Lukens Steel Company is one of the oldest continuously operating steel mills in the United States. Lukens Steel was also inducted into the National Business Hall of Fame in 1994.

Rebecca Lukens was a business woman who became the first female CEO of an industrial company in the U.S. She worked in the iron and steel industry. She is credited with making Lukens Steel one of the top companies in the world. She is also known as the first woman in the United States to own an iron mill.

She was born in a wealthy Quaker family in Pennsylvania. Her father was a farmer who was interested in the new technology of casting iron. She also had a fairytale romance with a hard working husband.

Lydia Pinkham

Lydia Pinkham is one of the most famous business womens in history. She was born in Lynn, Massachusetts in 1819. She married shoe manufacturer Isaac Pinkham in 1843. The couple had a daughter, Jennie.

Her husband died of tuberculosis in 1881, and she became a self-employed woman. She sold homemade herbal remedies. She also served as a schoolteacher. When her finances started to crumble in the 1870s, she began selling a tonic to survive. Her business eventually grew into a patent medicine empire.

Lydia’s medicine company marketed its products using groundbreaking advertising techniques. It created a relationship with its customers, making customers feel as though they had a personal physician. They were encouraged to write in and ask questions about their lives.

Annie Malone

One of the most important business women of the early 20th century was Annie Turnbo Malone. She had a thriving business, was one of the richest African American women, and was a trailblazer in the beauty industry.

She created a line of hair care products and patented her intellectual property. She was a member of the Colored Women’s Federation Club and the African Methodist Episcopal Church. She donated large sums of money to philanthropic organizations in the St. Louis area and Howard University.

Malone’s product line included the famous “Hair Grower” and a pressing iron and comb. She sold her products through demonstrations in Black churches and through advertisements in the Black Press.

In 1904, she opened a retail outlet at the World’s Fair in Saint Louis. She also traveled the South and expanded her empire.



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