Is the iPhone 12 Still Worth Buying in 2022?

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For some people, the iPhone 12 will never be old enough to not buy it. If you fall into this category, you’ll be happy to know that the iPhone 12 has held up pretty well after nearly 10 years on the market, and it’s still just as great as ever. The screen is still gorgeous, and it’s much brighter than many of the other phones in its class.

iPhone 12: release date and price

New iPhones typically hit stores in September and this year is no different with reports claiming that Apple will release new versions of their latest phone, iPad Pro, and Watch later this month.
However, while it may seem like a good idea to pre-order or jump at the opportunity to purchase one before they sell out—Apple has been known to have issues with shortages on occasion—it may be worth waiting until September when all three devices are released.
That way you can make sure you’re buying the right device for your needs. The iPhone 12 starts at $999, but if you want more storage there’s an additional cost to consider (between $1,000 and $2,000). There’s also a catch: If you upgrade to the iPhone 12 from any other previous model, you’ll be charged an additional $200 fee.

The good news

The Apple iPhone is undoubtedly one of the most popular smartphones of all time. Apple has been slowly transitioning away from its iconic 3D interface to a more streamlined 2D interface and it has left many people feeling skeptical about what the future holds for this successful device.
But now that we’re finally at 2020, it’s still unclear if these adjustments will have an adverse effect on user experience and if anyone should even be considering getting an iOS 12 for their business needs. Fortunately, we did our research. Read our iPhone 12 review here!
What you need to know is that Apple may be trying out some new things with their upcoming release, but they’ve managed to make sure nothing gets lost in translation. Users don’t need any previous knowledge of iPhones whatsoever – because everything operates similarly to previous devices, with a few exceptions here and there which include some welcome upgrades.

The bad news

It looks like it’s going to be another tough year for Apple. In 2022, they are set to release their newest iPhone, but it’s likely that a lot of people won’t be impressed. Apparently, there’s only one new feature coming with this model: animated emojis!
To use these features, you’ll need to download an extra app from the App Store. There have been rumors about what other features might come with the iPhone 12, such as wireless charging and a fingerprint sensor built into the screen.
So far, these claims have not been verified by any news sources or official sources at Apple so we’ll just have to wait and see! The current price of the iPhone 12 is $1,200 USD and will most likely go up as time goes on.

One last thing

With all of that being said, there are a lot of positives to come out of Apple’s newest phone and if you were considering buying it then the time is right.
The battery life has seen significant improvements, features have been added that improve performance and usability, and Apple made it so users can remove unwanted apps from their home screen, something they couldn’t do before.
Overall, it’s a great investment and we can’t wait to see what Apple has up its sleeve for future models!
If you don’t have an iPhone 11 or earlier model I’d say, go ahead and make your purchase now; however, if you’re still using an older iPhone such as an 8 or older I’d wait a few months because there will definitely be some upgrades coming down the pipeline that will help close some of those big gaps.

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