Why a BA LLB Degree Is the Perfect Choice for Aspiring Lawyers

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Written By Albert Roy

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A Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws (BA LLB) course is one o the best ways to kickstart one’s legal education. The course provides students with an in-depth understanding of the law and also helps develop analytical and critical thinking skills. Other than skills development, a student also gets to apply his/her legal knowledge in a professional context.

If you want to pursue a BA LLB course then it is a wise decision that will help you develop a broader understanding of social institutions and processes. However, if you are on the fence, then the reasons mentioned below will show you why you must pursue the course.

Reasons to pursue a BA LLB course

  1. In-depth understanding of the law

Anyone who is an aspiring lawyer must pursue a law course as it covers all the major legal systems in operation around the world. This includes common law, civil law, and socialist law. Moreover, the course is an introduction to jurisprudence and legal history.

A law course provides an overview of the main branches of law which include constitutional law, international law, criminal law, and company law.

  1. Enhanced critical thinking

One of the major reasons why law aspirants wish to enroll in a law college in Bangalore is to enhance their analytical and critical thinking skills. Law study requires students to go through cases, analyze complex problems, and find solutions. Such a process is a great exercise for the mind of a law student and helps strengthen critical thinking skills that can be applied in various contexts. Also, a BA LLB course helps students to work on and enhance their research skills which are crucial for any legal professional to solve a case.

  1. Improved interpersonal and communication skills

One of the greatest advantages of studying a BA LLB course is that it builds a student’s interpersonal and communication skills. As a result, a law student can communicate more effectively and persuasively.

Communication skills play a key role in a lawyer’s career as they need to communicate both in writing and verbally. They have to build relationships with clients, colleagues, and members of the judiciary. Communication and interpersonal skills are a must for building such relationships.

  1. Knowledge about social institutions and processes

A BA LLB course explains the inner workings of social institutions and helps students with a broader understanding of its processes. While the study of law entails the technical aspects of the legal system, students also get to learn about how the law affects society in general. Such knowledge is very important for an individual who wants to work in the legal profession as they need to offer sound advice to clients based on the implications of proposed legislation.

  1. Application of legal knowledge

Enrolling in a reputable law college in Bangalore is excellent for students as the course equips students with practical skills that are essential to work as a lawyer judge or prosecutor. The coursework gives students a detailed insight into the functioning of the legal system. This is a must for anyone who wishes to enter the legal profession.

  1. An integrated degree

BA LLB course is one of the few integrated degrees that allow a student to study not just one, but two distinct degrees that are quite complementary. The coursework is designed to offer students a solid foundation in both arts and law. Hence, a student who completes a BA LLB course is ready with the essential skills to pursue a successful career in law.

A BA LLB course is a very popular choice as it is highly valued by employers. It is widely recognized as one of the most prestigious law courses and helps give an aspiring lawyer a major career boost right from the get-go. So, if you are a person who loves challenges then a BA LLB course and a career in law are for you.

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